Go ahead for South Kilburn masterplan housing
Brent Council, advised by Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design, has been given the go ahead for 250 new homes within the South Kilburn regeneration area.
The replacement of Hereford House and Exeter Court forms part of the South Kilburn Masterplan, which aims to transform the area into a sustainable and mixed neighbourhood for new and established residents.
The proposal would see the existing Hereford House and Exeter Court buildings demolished and replaced with four new residential buildings ranging from 3 to 13 storeys, providing 250 new homes. A new public urban park will be delivered along with a total 190 trees planted across the development site.
Of the 250 new homes in this phase, 121 will be affordable homes at social rent and have been designed to provide new, high-quality housing for residents currently living in blocks planned for redevelopment in the next phases of the masterplan.
The scheme will also deliver a new, high-quality local park for residents and visitors to enjoy, as well as a number of commercial units to meet local demand and add to this vibrant mixed-use regeneration.
Councillor Shama Tatler, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Planning and Growth, at Brent Council said: “This is a major opportunity to turn a currently under-utilised area into a thriving, rejuvenated community. This scheme will provide local families with safe and secure homes in the area.”
Tibbalds provided planning consultancy services and input to the project, submitting the application on behalf of the Council. Karakusevic Carson Architects are the lead architects and masterplanners working closely with landscape architects Periscope. Other members of the design teams include structural engineers Momentum, mechanical and electrical engineers Max Fordham.
Lizzie Le Mare, Director at Tibbalds, said: “Brent Council is continuing to make progress on the South Kilburn masterplan, helping to meet local housing need with a regeneration programme focussed on long-term quality of living for existing and new residents. This planning milestone will also help pave the way for a better public realm, with high-quality architecture and design helping to make a positive contribution to the surrounding neighbourhood during this time of change”

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