East Devon New Town
Infrastructure and service delivery a focus for a new community
This new community for East Devon is promoted through the local plan to address the local housing shortage and provide future generations with sustainable homes embedded into the wider landscape network.

- Project Deliverables:
- Vision and Concept masterplan for new town
- Client:
- East Devon Council
- Collaborators:
- CBRE, Hydrock, TEP
- Location:
- Exeter, Devon
- Status:
- Local Plan Site allocation

"Delivery has been a consideration from the start. We have brought together technical assessments, existing characteristics and client ambitions with our placemaking and design skills to inform the plans for this future community."
East Devon Council is undertaking a Local Plan Review that will shape the way East Devon will develop to 2042. It will direct housing and employment growth across the District, including how the district will meet both the current and future National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requirement for new homes.
Following Regulation 18 consultation the Council decided to deliver a significant proportion of their housing need within a sustainable new settlement. The approach is guided by the fact that two thirds of the district is within designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. This approach has been adopted to reduces the pressure for development elsewhere in the District.
Tibbalds has been working with CBRE, Hydrock, TEP and Council officers to inform the site selection through the Regulation 18 consultation process, develop the vision for this new settlement and prepare concept and framework masterplans to inform the site allocation and direct the future shape of this new settlement. 8,000 homes are an appropriate scale for this self-sufficient community, due to its ability to deliver the supporting infrastructure, employment and services required.
East Devon has had experience with delivering a new town, Cranbrook, and it has been essential to learn from local experience as well as other large settlements that are being developed across the country.
Having engaged with Councillors, officers, stakeholders and the community key cornerstones of the visions are:
- A self-sufficient, healthy and dynamic community, ensuring infrastructure is delivered early, centres can be phased, and facilities and services are appropriately scaled to create a vibrant new community.
- An ambitious and highly desirable place, where people choose to life and stay.
- Promote innovative design to create a place that looks towards the future and incorporates the best possible, while drawing inspiration from the local context, including the unique surrounding historic environment, to create a rich character.
- A place embedded in a well-connected and integrated active travel network (walking and cycling) with comprehensive links to nearby employment, surrounding countryside and the city of Exeter.
- A community underpinned at its core by sustainability, wellbeing, and healthy living, creating an exemplar zero-carbon town both in terms of self-sufficiency.
- Seamlessly integrated with the outstanding East Devon natural environment and provide a rich network of substantial open space.
- Last, but not least an adaptable new settlement will preserve East Devon’s legacy as an outstanding place to live.
Currently concept masterplans are explored through stakeholder and public engagement. These are based on technical assessments by the team, delivery considerations and the ambition to turn the vision statement into reality.
The concept is shaped by the existing landscape setting with three neighbourhoods set around the river valley, turning this into an extension to the Clyst Valley Regional Park and natural asset for the future community. The emerging open space strategy looks to deliver opportunity for activity for all sections of the new community including, children, the elderly and less able. Wildlife, biodiversity, alternative green space and the protection of Ancient Woodland all form part of the picture.
Each neighbourhood has its own is accessible centre with day-to-day facilities and schools within easy walking and cycle distance to homes. A larger centre provides the town wide facilities and would be connected to employment uses to provide a facility for all and ensure footfall particular in the early phases of development. Learning lessons from our work at Northstowe and Otterpool Park, centres are located, with phasing considerations in mind, so that they can deliver facilities early without being undermined by a lack of footfall and an established community.
Park & Ride facilities and bus priority links are being explored through the options to ensure the town promotes sustainable transport connectivity.
Ground mounted photovoltaics, micro grids and heat recovery are options explored by the team to serve the settlement with energy. Wastewater Treatment Works, recycling plants are part of the mix to serve the wide region with much needed facilities.
Following the engagement, we will continue to engage with stakeholders and develop the concept options into a preferred masterplan to support the Regulation 19 engagement of the local plan and inform the delivery strategy for this new settlement.
Core Team
Below are some of the key people that worked on this project.
Katja StilleDirector
Amy SweetingAssociate

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Learn more about East Devon New Town and other projects by contacting one of our team
Call Katja on 0207 089 2121 or email katja.stille@tibbalds.co.uk