Success at The Camden Design Awards 2022 for schemes where Tibbalds provided development planning advice
Tibbalds is delighted that four schemes, where we provided development planning advice, have achieved success at this year's Camden Design Awards. Congratulations to the architects involved for their successful submissions.
In the Major Projects Award category, Mansion block, Hampstead and Kingsgate Primary School, Kilburn were winners; Regents Park Infill Sites, Camden was Highly commended; and Belle Vue, Camden was shortlisted.
Mansion block, Fitzjohn's Avenue, Hampstead - Sergison Bates Architects
Major Projects Award - Winner.
Tibbalds provided Planning advise on the delivery of a residential community for elderly people in a heritage environment in Hampstead.
The realisation of the Applicant’s ambitions for the Site required the resolution of a number of planning, heritage, townscape, physical and topographical issues. Once detailed planning consent was secured, the permissions were then followed by the submission of a series of S73 and S96A amendments; amendments to the Section 106; and the discharge of conditions.
Kingsgate Primary School, Kilburn - Maccreanor Lavington
Major Projects Award - Winner.
Tibbalds provided Planning advise on a masterplan for an education-led mixed-use scheme at Liddell Road, and submission of two detailed planning applications for comprehensive mixed-use redevelopment.
We provided advice on a Masterplan, which included a new workspace building and approximately 100 new dwellings. This enabled the delivery of a new school building for over 400 children, which was an extension of an existing nearby school.
Regents Park Infill Sites, Camden - Mæ Architects
Major Projects Award - Highly Commended.
Tibbalds were appointed to undertake a feasibility and capacity review of the estate to accommodate replacement homes for those that would be lost.
Our design-led masterplan approach ensured that the site selection process for the replacement homes also supported opportunities for further regeneration works in the future.
Detailed planning consent was secured for the replacement homes on the short-term sites, where Tibbalds managed and led a large multi-disciplinary team. The scheme provides 116 new homes and improved public realm and open space, the project is now complete and occupied.
Belle Vue, Camden - Morris+Company
Major Projects Award - Shortlisted.
In order to realise the Applicant’s ambitions for this site in Camden, Tibbalds was appointed to resolve a number of planning, heritage, townscape, physical and topographical issues, securing detailed planning consent for our client.
Belle Vue is a holistic retirement community of 59 apartments, set within landscaped courts and gardens with communal and neighbourhood facilities. The vision for the site was to deliver a scheme which supports a range of living accommodation and facilities for the care and well-being of older people, including 59 one and two bed extra care apartments, a health and well-being facility, shared communal facilities including a restaurant and café (which is also open to the wider community), a library, communal lounges and activity rooms.
Further information about the awards and winners can be found on Camden's website.
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