Tibbalds appointed to explore options at Bircherley Green, Hertford Town Centre
East Herts District Council have commissioned Tibbalds Planning and Urban Design to lead a team, including The Retail Group and Aspinall Verdi to explore options for the use of Bircherley Green, as an extension to our original works on the recently completed improvements to Hertford Town Centre.
In January 2018 the council granted planning consent for the re-development of Bircherley Green, a privately-owned town centre opportunity site. It followed a negotiation processes and the approval of our Hertford Town Centre Urban Design Strategy – a document which set out plans to make much needed improvements to the centre of Hertford.
The consent at Bircherley Green was for a mixed-use redevelopment, including partial demolition of existing buildings, to provide new retail floorspace (Use Classes A1 to A5), a hotel (Use Class C1), flats (Use Class C3), refurbishment of the car park, improvements to the bus station, new public spaces and landscaping to the riverside, and associated works and improvements. All in line with the town centre strategy.
Following start of the demolition and the closure of the remaining shops in the precinct, the landowner decided to sell the site. We are continuing to work with East Herts to identify a positive way forward that protects the opportunity for Hertford Town Centre to grow in the future.
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