Tibbalds launches consultation website for initial engagement on the St Peter Port Regeneration Areas
Tibbalds have been appointed to lead the work on the St Peter Port Regeneration Areas Development Framework, following the Leale’s Yard Regeneration Area Development Framework which was adopted in May 2020.
Tibbalds have launched an online consultation website (stpeterportregenerationareas.com) which contains a short survey and interactive map feature to allow locals to provide their initial views and comments on the three St Peter Port Regeneration Areas: Lower Pollet, South Esplanade and Mignot Plateau, and Mansell Street/Le Bordage. The survey and map feature will be live and available to complete until midnight Sunday 6th December.
Initial consultation commenced on Wednesday 18th November, with a public drop-in session held in the George Crosan Gallery facilitated by Planning Service staff and attracted over 100 attendees.
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