Tybalds & Bourne Estates Regeneration
The Tibbalds HCA Multidisciplinary Team has been appointed to help Camden Council to realise its aspirations for the regeneration of the Tybalds and Bourne Estates in the south of the Borough. The overall aim is: to improve the quality of the living environment, open spaces, and public realm; and to create new homes.
This will include providing a mix of new affordable and private homes, with opportunities for residents to move into accommodation more appropriate for their needs than at present, providing new community and play facilities and enhanced landscape, and improving safety and security for residents.
Tibbalds’ role is: to prepare design feasibility studies, identifying opportunities for built development and public realm improvements; to advise and to brief the appointment of architects and landscape architects and other members of the consultant team as necessary; and to guide the proposals through the planning process. KSA are appointed as project managers, development consultants and quantity surveyors and to advise on procurement routes including the potential for direct development. CampbellReith are providing civil, structures and M&E engineering expertise.
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