
Carpenters Estate Masterplan, Stratford

Resident-led masterplan for up to 2,022 new and replacement homes including 50% affordable housing

Tibbalds provided strategic urban design and planning advice to Populo Living and the design team as part of this rare opportunity to work on one of the largest estate regeneration projects in London, working with the residents and Populo Living to create a resident-led masterplan for the people of the Carpenters Estate.

Project Deliverables:
Up to 2,022 new and replacement mixed tenure homes (inc 50% affordable); new park and green spaces; new Building Crafts college; new retail and commercial uses; hotel and a re-provided pub
Populo Living
Campbell Reith, MetWork, Proctor and Matthews, XCO2, Mott Macdonald, LDA
Outline planning application submitted

Carpenters Estate Masterplan is one of London’s largest and most ambitious estate restoration and regeneration schemes, providing 50% affordable housing for a resident-led masterplan.

The Carpenters Estate is a dilapidated post-war council estate erected in the 1960s and 1970s that lacks good quality public realm and architecture. There have been a number of failed attempts to regenerate the Carpenters Estate over the past decade but since Populo Living’s involvement, a new masterplan has emerged, addressing the issues of the past and creating a resident-led masterplan, putting community engagement at the forefront of design.

The site was earmarked for redevelopment through the LLDC Local Plan. The masterplan provides up to 2,022 new and replacement homes, 50% affordable housing, alongside a diverse variety of community, education and commercial uses to support a growing neighbourhood and create a ‘real piece of London’.

Tibbalds were appointed by Populo Living in July 2020 to provide strategic urban design and planning advise to the wider design team and to prepare and coordinate the planning submission for a major outline planning application. We were also the Lead Consultant on the project.

As part of the process a number of complex planning considerations had to be overcome and an Environmental Impact Assessment was completed to scrutinise the proposed development, ensuring the proposals did not have a significant impact on the local environment.

Residents of the estate helped to influence the design of the masterplan and were asked to vote in a resident ballot in December 2021 where 73% of residents voted ‘yes’ with a 66.5% turn out.

The way in which we engaged with the community, the planning authority and the GLA also played a key role in terms of keeping the project on track and keeping the planning balance weighted in favour of the scheme.

We are proud of the fact that we have contributed to one of the largest estate regeneration programmes in London and coordinated one of the largest planning application submissions since the pandemic. We are currently in discussions with LLDC and the GLA to determine the planning application and will work with them to ensure the application is approved at planning committee in 2023.

Core Team

Below are some of the key people that worked on this project.

  • Portrait of Hilary Satchwell
    Hilary Satchwell
  • Portrait of Leanne Williams
    Leanne Williams
  • Portrait of Kieran Easton
    Kieran Easton
    Planner and Assistant Urban Designer
Portrait of Lizzie Le Mare

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Learn more about Carpenters Estate Masterplan, Stratford and other projects by contacting one of our team

Call Lizzie on 0207 089 2121 or email