Smethwick to Birmingham Corridor Framework shortlisted for Planning Awards 2022
We are pleased to announce that the Smethwick to Birmingham Corridor Framework has been shortlisted in the 'Award for Planning for Increased Housing Delivery' category of the Planning Awards 2022.
Working with Aspinall Verdi and Urban Movement, the Smethwick-Birmingham Corridor Development Framework covers one of the largest growth corridors in the country which can deliver substantial housing growth and an improved environment for the existing communities.
This Framework has brought together key partners across administrative boundaries and multiple public sector bodies and for the first time there is an agreed and aspirational vision supported by a robust policy framework to ensure development will take place in a considered manner delivering housing and regeneration objectives.
The Planning Awards recognise excellence in planning and associated placemaking disciplines including heritage conservation, urban design, economic development, partnership working, environmental consultancy, housing and law.
The awards will be showcased at a live awards ceremony on the 9th June 2022 at The Mermaid, London.
Good luck to all the finalists!
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